Protecting Our Witness (podcast)

Join me as we do a short podcast; talking about our witness, and keeping forgiveness in our hearts.

The Arrow Preacher Podcast: Friday: Protecting Our Witness Podcast

Complete Easter (Resurrection) Message

Follow my podcast for the Easter message. Good Friday, the in between, and Resurrection Sunday

The Arrow Preacher Podcast: Good Friday

The Arrow Preacher Podcast: The Inbetween

The Arrow Preacher Podcast: It is EMPTY! (He’s Not Here)

Good Friday.

Hey everyone. Join my podcast today. A Good Friday message.

The Arrow Preacher Podcast: Good Friday

The Cost is High, But the Reward is Unimaginable. 

The Cost is High, But the Reward is Unimaginable. 

Last night I heard an amazing sermon preached by a zealous man, for the Lord. It got me thinking about my life, and what I would do in the pursuit of Christ. What would I do if the going got tough? What would I do if God called me away from my family and friends? What would I do if it meant giving up everything, including my life. There are several examples in scripture, and by Jesus explaining what it means to give everything. See, God is not a priority on your list somewhere, he’s not the top of your list, he’s the one and only priority in our lives. When Jesus said in Luke 14:25-27 25 “Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” He’s not actually telling you to hate anyone, but asking if you’ve counted the cost. You may be asked to leave them, to let them go, or as a Christian, you may be removed from the family. Are you willing to pay the cost? 

It’s an interesting question, and recently it seems God has continued to put this very thing at the forefront of everything I’ve been saying and doing. We in America don’t know what persecution looks like, and because of that, I believe we have become complacent to the word of God. I think we’ve chosen to sit back on our lazy boy pew’s and listen, but we do not take the word into our hardened hearts. We have failed Jesus as we are lukewarm. We are neither hot nor cold for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have allowed the Devil to sneak in because we have not been vigilant to see the enemy moving. Sadly, the enemy is all around us, deeply intrenched in our schools, jobs, government, homes, and we have done nothing to stop it or prevent it. Satan has control over our colleges, shaping the minds of our children, and much like Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel, they are manipulating young minds, brain washing them, and turning them against the church. And we do nothing. 

Most today do not go to church even once a week, yet claim the title of Christian. They do not know scripture, because their Bible hasn’t been picked up off the shelf in ages, if they even have one. They do not pray nor commune with the Father in any way. They wouldn’t know a counterfeit or the real Christian pastor, standing in front of them. How dare us wine and complain about what’s going on around us, when we have only ourselves to blame. When Israel would not repent of its wicked ways, God handed them over to their enemies. When we do not repent of our wicked ways, we are handed over to our own reprobate minds. 

We are corrupt and enemies of God. When we do not love God’s commands, and that means all of them, not picking and choosing which ones to follow, and not follow, we are showing God that we are sinful, immoral, lustful, selfish, unrighteous, and more. Paul explains in very clear cut terms, who will not inherit the kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians. 

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”

There are words here that may put some off, and as I heard last night, that’s exactly what Jesus did. That’s exactly what John did. And the book of Jude. A vine to be trimmed. Chaff to be thrown away. The cost of following Christ is high, and in the midst of heavy persecution, Paul expresses to Follow Christ. During this time where he tells the church to be bold in Christ, Nero who was placing the blame of burning down half of Rome on Christians. He was feeding Christians to hungry dogs and lions. He was burning Christians alive as human torches lining the streets of Rome. 

Jesus tells his people to follow him. He bled and died, and if we are to pick up our cross, that means we may follow in his very footsteps. It may cost us our lives. As I heard it put last night, are you the real deal, or a fake, phony, and fraud? Do you love God, and his Son, and his children, and his commands? Most of us look at the commandments in scripture as guidelines. Similar to the pirate’s code. Not really set immutable rules, but more like the direction on a compass with a plus or minus a few degrees. The problem is, if you’re off by only a degree, you may hit your distance and never reach your destination. Heaven is that way. If you follow the false gospel, you may never hit your destination, oh you’ll hit a destination, but not where you wanted to go. 

Christianity is like that; Jesus tells us the path to Heaven is a narrow way. The problem is, when people think they are ‘following’ Christ, they really aren’t. There will be some who claim Christians, but much like Judas, are the antichrist sitting in the pews next to us. Or, are we one of them? As I heard the sermon last night, I left with both an encouraged, but also heavy heart. As I have grown in my faith, I have come to find what the narrow path truly means. When I look around, I have begun to wonder, how many are culturally Christian, and how many are the real in their heart, sacrificial Christian. 

So why do I bring this up? As a Christian, in my heart recently has been heavy for the lives of the lost. I have wondered what I could do to get the word out to more people. How can I get this blog to more people who need Jesus? How can I get my podcast to more people who do not know Jesus as the Christ? While I do not have answers to this currently, I am left with a simple prayer, God use me how you see fit, and forgive me of my sins and short comings. I want my actions and deeds to be pleasing to you, as a child only wants approval of their parent. I do not wish to upset or disappoint my Heavenly Father. I want to be useful and not a stumbling block for others. In my heart I feel disappointed when I feel I have laid out a solid message hoping it’s the Holy Spirit guiding me, and not me myself, but so few see it. I know God will work and if my writings are to be spread, it must be the will of the Father. I just pray I am being obedient, and relevant, and not delivering scripture poorly or incorrectly. 

What are you? Are you a true believer, or a fraud? Are you willing to sacrifice all for the Kingdom? Are you Judas sitting amongst the Apostles blending in? The message I heard last night really got me thinking, not about my own salvation, but if I’m doing enough, if I’m getting the word out there, if I’m bold enough, and unapologetic for Christ. Let us set our compasses to the North to follow Jesus. We ought not deviate from North because even a one degree off the Azimuth, at a mile is off by 92.2 feet. IF we are to follow Christ, while there is God’s grace, we must follow his message, and be zealous for his word. We must be faithful in our walk, loving his children, loving the father and not idols, or the world. We must love his word, desire to learn it, to know it, and most of all, to follow it. We should have a burning desire to get closer to God, and know him, and have a relationship with him. Scripture tells us what the cost of following Jesus is. Today there are many slight variations of what it means to follow Jesus. Variations on the gospel to look like the truth, and act like the truth, all except a couple small points. To follow Christ is to love ALL his commandments. To follow Christ is to give up everything that takes your eyes off the Father and the Kingdom. As an American I feel we are asleep at the wheel. Satan has crept in and taken over several vital institutions in our nation, and is now teaching things to children while the adults are so busy with work and other distractions, they don’t know. Our children are gone away at college and are being taught all kinds of theories which are false, and yet we stand by and wonder what happened to our once great nation. We have failed, and the punishment has been enacted, we have been turned over to our reprobate minds, and we must face the bitter consequences of giving an inch to sin. Most of us are no longer facing North towards Christ. We are off, being pulled away by the enemy or our own self-induced ignorance. Sadly, we don’t understand what it means to be on the narrow path. And many will be turned away from the Lord when he says: “I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.” Matthew 7:23 We should all take pause and understand the cost, and see if we are truly following or not. 

Are we zealous for the Lord? Are we burning with a desire to please him, to praise him, to worship him, to serve him? Or are we too enthralled at our own lives, and we don’t have time for God? If we are putting anything before God we are placing idols ahead of Him, and we are disobeying his commands. God, Gods Son, Gods People, the Love of the Commands. What were the two commands? Love God with your heart mind and soul. Love one another as yourselves. Scripture tells us Love covers a multitude of sins. When you don’t forgive, lose your temper, covet your neighbor’s new toy, get upset at that driver in front of you, judge someone by the color of their skin, or what they wear, grumble at church, gossip, hold a grudge, you are not loving one another. We need a wake-up call, and we need to check ourselves. Where are we? Are we at a 0 degree azimuth, or are we at a 1* or more off? An imitation gospel, no matter how close it is, is still a fake, a cheap knock off. How would we know? Read, and know, and understand scripture. Do not be deceived, there are Judas’s in the church today. Make sure you’re not one. 

Go in peace, love, mercy, and grace. Read scripture and open your heart to God’s Holy and Perfect Word. Be steadfast in the word, but share in love. 

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Sinful Nature 

Sinful Nature 

“A scorpion was walking along the bank of a river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river. The fox said no. If I do that you’ll sting me, and I’ll drown. The scorpion assured him. If I did that, we’d both drown. So the fox thought about it and finally agreed. So the scorpion climbed up on his back, and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him. As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said why did you do that? Now you’ll drown too. I couldn’t help it, said the scorpion. It’s my nature.”  (Chakotay, ST. Voyager Scorpion Ep 1)

Our nature, is that of sin. We can try to run from it, but it’s hold is tight, and this side of glory it will never let go. We are born into it, and no matter our best efforts, we are to live with it. It’s a daily fight to push back against that sin nature. In Christian faith we call this total depravity. Without God’s intervening nature, we would hold no chance to fight against the sin nature. I have often looked at sin as a moth to a flame. We circle the sin, attracted to it, but eventually get burned by it. Sin, the curse of our forebears having eaten of the fruit from the tree of knowledge. The first disobedient act, but ultimately the second sin, the first being pride, wanting to be like God. We walk this earth, toiling the earth, the serpent nipping at our heals as we do. 

I have come to realize many will not come to see the light of the Lord. Like a cockroach with the light turned on, they flee from the light, having only longed to stay in the shadows. We look at this world, as the shadow spreads over the land, and we often wonder, what happened? Much like Théoden at the battle of Helms Deep, “How did it come to this?” “What can men do against such reckless hate?” Satan’s shadow has grown deep over the land, and the greatest lie he ever had, was to make people believe neither he, nor God, exist. 

As I’ve grown older, I pity those who have not seen the light. I have learned I cannot argue anyone into God, and by proxy, I cannot argue anyone out of sin. I will use one example. Abortion is a hot button topic in this world today. At least, it is here in the U.S. If someone believes a woman has the right to murder an unborn fetus, an unborn baby, they will not likely see the sin in that act. They are not likely to see the evil that indwells in such a decision. No, they would not likely murder another human, but to them, they can dehumanize a baby, and take its life. All in the name of choice, or worse reproductive health. Only a very few will be swayed by the arguments of a Christian, and only those whom the Holy Spirit has chosen. 

Scripture does not tell us to go into the world and argue with them what is, or is not a sin. A non-Christian will not be swayed by such arguments. Love in the face of hardships. Love in the face of persecutions. Love in the face of oppositions. Love as scripture says, covers a multitude of sins. When we truly love and we are focused on that love we can avoid many sins. But we are in fact sinners and despite being born again, a new creation, we are still the moth circling the flame. 

I cannot expect a non-Christian to have the same morals as God, and by proxy, the same morals as myself. I know that I myself am a sinner, and I look forward to the day this body passes into the dirt it came from, and my spirit rejoins my creator. I look forward to the day my mouth, my actions, my very presence, no longer causes pain to those around me. Despite being a born-again Christian, I still sin, I still say things that hurt others. My frustrations, my pain, my anger, still seep out from time to time, and I inevitably bring tears to the ones I love. I do not mean to, but it happens. As Paul in scripture says, I do the things I know I shouldn’t, and I don’t do the things I know I should. How is it a ‘Super Christian” like Paul still sins. It’s easy really, Paul was still a man, a man who indeed had the Holy Spirit in him, but a sinner nevertheless. 

We Christians have become timid in this world, from telling others about the love of Christ. Today we are considered by some to be extreme, to be a danger to democracy, to be homophobic, to be bigots, to be radicals. The world right before our eyes has become hostile to the Christian. A country that once was Christian, is no longer so. It does appear we are moving into an age where to be a Christian will be evermore dangerous for our jobs, for our livelihood. Where Christians can go to jail for preaching the word of God. Where Christians can lose a child to the state, just because they disagree with gender affirming care. Yes indeed, the air is changing, and darkness spreads over the land. 

There is hope though, for scripture tells us to never grow weary of doing good. Scripture tells us that while we will face trials and tribulations to take heart in Jesus, for he has overcome the world. To count it all joy in the midst of struggles. Scripture tells us to love our enemies, and as much as it’s up to us, to live in peace. We share the Gospel by both telling others about a great and powerful, almighty, loving, caring, and righteous God. We also share the Gospel by living it before our unbelieving neighbors. Our job is to make disciples and we do that every day, everywhere we go. We do not pick and choose the mission fields, everywhere we are is our mission field. Our very life is our mission field. We share the Love of Christ to everyone we meet, and as an ambassador for Christ we should look different every day, everywhere, to everyone. 

We must hold our heads high in the midst of the battle, not for our own sakes, but for those watching us. We must hold our tongues when those speak out against us, and speak only what is edifying for the hearer. We must maintain our witness in all situations, so others may see the dim reflection of Christ in us. The moon does not produce light of its own, but reflects the bright light from the sun. If we are to be the moon’s light, we are to light the world in the darkness. Jesus left us instructions when we left. The word of God was put to paper so we would not have to blindly navigate this world alone. Everything we need for this life is found in scripture, and it is our job to share the good news with all we encounter. 

Do not try to win futile arguments about morality to an immoral people. Instead continue to share your faith. Continue to share your testimony about what God has done for you. Continue to share the words of scripture to those around you. In order to have a defense of your faith, you must know your faith, so that means you must be in the word, you must study, you must be in constant communication with the Lord. You must be on your knees praying before a Holy God, and ask for him to intercede in your heart, and show you the path. WE do not walk within our own understanding, but walk in the ways of the Lord. Walk in the way He has prepared for you, and never give up. Never stop doing good, and never stop praying for anyone. Sometimes prayer takes years to be answered, but make no mistake, God hears you. Are we sinners, yes, must we ask for forgiveness when we sin against others, or against God, yes. We must also forgive those who have trespassed against us. All sin is equal at the foot of the cross, and all sin equals a sentence of Hell. But God had a plan, and that plan was Jesus, who came, bore no sin of his own, took upon our sins, so the wrath and righteousness of God would be satisfied. We would be justified in Christ, and through the Holy Spirit sanctified daily. We are enemies of God, made right before God, for God the Father sees only the blood of his son. On our behalf, Jesus is at the thrown as our intercessor, our mediator, our High Priest. Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace to His People. 

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Hardships Endure 

Hardships Endure 

It’s no secret that my life has been one of hardships, heartache, and difficulties. Not saying I haven’t had good times, even great times, but as a friend once told me, ‘if it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.’ From an early age I have experienced hardships most people at my age couldn’t imagine, and wouldn’t have known what those hardships were called. As I was told, before I was three years old I knew the word Anesthesiologist. By the time I was three years old I had undergone 4 surgeries. By the time I was 16, I had 7 surgeries, and by the time I was 18 I had 9 surgeries. Needless to say, I was familiar with doctors and hospitals. 

By the time I was 19 I had moved several times. One of those times was a move by myself from Michigan across the country to Massachusetts. Each of the times, minus one, I moved by myself away from family. With every move I was left with heartache, and struggle. For most of my life I didn’t feel I had a home, and even now, I don’t have a place to call my own. The feeling of failure has been and is quite real for me. In recent months I have been given a grave diagnosis, and while I have been attempting to manage the emotional fallout, I find myself fatigued. How can I take care of myself, if I am broken and in constant pain. Chronic pain takes a toll on the human mind, and can often cause frustration, sadness, depression, and anger. On a deeper level, the combined aspects of pain, physical issues, living situation, it often leaves me feeling inadequate, worthless. I don’t care much for the idea of self-esteem, simply because we should know and understand our place in this world as broken, sinful, enemies of God. However, on the flip side of that coin, we are also loved and grafted into the Kingdom of God, through the grace and mercy of Jesus. Needless to say finding a balance is important. A balance I have not been doing so well at, as of late. 

When I go through hardships I try to think of a few characters from scripture. The first and most notable is Job. Job’s hardships are quite obvious and extensive. His losses and trials stand testament to struggles for all people. I then consider the trials Paul faced. As a loyal servant of Jesus, Paul faced beatings, stoning, jail, poverty, and ultimately murdered by beheading. Recently however, the person I have been considering most is Elijah. In his pain, he cried out to the Lord to take his life. In his sorrow he did not want to be left alive, as he also felt his surviving was that of failure. 

Soldiers who lose others, lose comrades in battle often feel what’s known as survivors’ guilt. It is said that those who survive often wish their places be switched with those who died. Elijah it seems may have been dealing with some of this guilt and challenges. I have felt this way in the past. When I lost friends in combat, I was there, and witnessed what happened. I attempted to save my friend, and sadly failed to do so. I had intuition of an impending attack, and sadly that did nothing to prevent it from happening. In recent times, I have wondered what my purpose is, and as I have recently been given a difficult prognosis regarding my physical health, I have been put into a position where I’m not sure how to manage the emotional fallout. This recent revelation of difficult times ahead has left me with little recourse, and no control over what happens next. 

In hard times I have grown from a scared 11-year-old, an angry 30-year-old, to a seasoned, faithful servant of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the past I would compartmentalize a trauma, and move on. This would leave me more broken than where I started and never truly dealt or handled the trauma. Today, I face these problems head on. I look to James who says, count it all joy when you fall into various trials. How can I look at where I am and be in Joy? I have often asked myself, if James were to have been diagnosed with cancer would he still have found joy in such diagnosis? The answer, is yes. James knew and understood who the Lord Jesus was, and in that understanding he knew that whatever we go through in this life, it is temporary. It isn’t why we are going through these things, but rather how we respond to them. With the world watching us in every situation we are in, how are we showing our faith to the people around us? I’m not saying cancer is easy, nor am I saying major life changing back surgeries are easy either, but what I am saying is that, people are looking to you because you may be a mentor to them. You may be someone’s inspiration, or even someone’s curiosity. Here’s an example: 

You go to work every day, and people at work know you’re a Christian. You have a smile on your face, and you talk about Jesus, but life is generally smooth for you. A bombshell hits, and you lose a child in a car accident. This tragedy leaves you devastated, and you become bitter with God, or worse, you walk away all together. Those whom you once shared your faith with, now see you walking away. How strong was your faith, that you would walk away, and what message does that send to those who may have been on the fence to follow Jesus or not? Someone is always watching you, whether it be a friend, family, coworker, or one of the kids from Church. Someone is always watching, and how we deal with trials and tribulations, is more important than the worship we give during times of still waters. It is easy to praise God when it’s smooth sailing, but when the going gets tough, that’s when a persons’ true nature is exposed. I’m not saying we don’t struggle during hardships, but ultimately, how strong is your faith? Are you like Peter on the water with Christ? Faithful for a few moments, until the waves crash around you, and you sink? What did Jesus say? “Oh ye of little faith.” Do we have little faith when times get tough? 

We must work on our faith and focus on our attitude and behaviors, and our emotions. I myself struggle with emotional positivity when things get hard. I struggle to stay away from the pity party I often throw for myself, albeit internally. I hide my feelings from many people, and perhaps share too little to others and sometimes too much to some. As I woke up this morning sore from head to toe after putting up the new tent, I find myself struggling to walk around the house. The pain I feel in my back is more than just sore, different from the sore in my legs and arms. While it’s a challenge to get around the house today, the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to work hard, and do something for my family. The replacement for the tent I have lived in for nearly three years arrived and was in need of being put up. A fresh, brand-new tent with no patches, or holes, no leaks, and no extra rope required. I could focus on the fact I am sore and hurting today, or I could focus on the gift from God, for a place to live. No one said following Jesus was easy, and as we see in scripture, hardships come to all who follow God. All of the prophets in scripture had challenges to overcome, David and Solomon had their own challenges, Daniel and Elijah, had their challenges. Peter, Paul, Matthew, and the others had their challenges, and even death. Do we face hardships like Steven does in the book of Acts? Steven in the face of death by stoning said this, Acts 7:60  “Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (Died)” Steven in the last moments of his life, didn’t curse his killers, but asked forgiveness from God to them. It isn’t easy, but we are called to have faith, not just in good times, but in the inevitable hard times. Some people think when you turn to Jesus and you follow him, those hard times will go away, and everything will be great, if you just have enough faith, and tithe. The truth is, this is a false gospel, this is a lie from Satan, that when the hard time does come you walk away from God because it wasn’t as you envisioned. Faith is not easy, and following Christ is hard. There’s a reason it says in scripture to pick up your cross and follow me (Jesus). There’s a reason Jesus tells you there will be trouble in the world, but have faith because He overcame the world. All these things are promised to the believer, and most importantly we know that the path to destruction is wide, while the path to the kingdom of God is narrow, few will enter into it. The path of a Christian is full of hardships and tears, but how great is the Kingdom of eternity, compared to the little while of hardships in this life? 

Today is one more day to do better than the last. Today is a day to rejoice because it is a day the Lord made. We are beautifully and wonderfully made for a purpose and we must turn to God, not to ask why, but in thanks for what we have been given. We have been given life, and an opportunity to Grow closer to Him, to turn to the Father in our time of need, and praise Him in the storm. We know Jesus has the power to calm the storm, but we can’t always expect He will. What we can expect is that Jesus is there with us. Jesus will lead us to the mountain top, or beside peaceful streams, and still waters. Jesus will hold our tears, and comfort us when we are in pain. He will rejoice with us when we rejoice. We do not travel this world alone, and since life is but a vapor compared to eternity with the Father, we should be thankful for the good times, and prepare for battle during the hard times. Face the trials with bravery and courage. Get up each day we are allowed to get up and be thankful for it. No matter where we are, thank God for the opportunity to live our lives worshiping Him and allowing others around us to see God in us. 

God knows what we are going through. God sees our heartache and our hurt. I implore you to bring it all to the table. I beg you, if you are sorrowful, and sad, and angry, bring your weight before the alter, bring it all before a loving and understanding God and put your baggage down. You are accepted before the alter as you are and when you leave everything there, when you lay it all down, and when you surrender to the Lord you leave a different person. The battle is not yours to win, but has already been won by Jesus, our Savior. The battle belongs to Jesus, and while we struggle with life, a place is promised where that hurt, and sorrow doesn’t exist. The burden we carry is not for us, for we are called to trust in the Lord. Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” Trust in the Lord and surrender all. Do not carry your burdens alone, for you have been given a choice to trust in God, or try to do it on your own. When you cast your burdens upon the Lord, allow the Holy Spirit to come into your heart, and heal you, change you from the person dead in their sins, but reborn as a believer of Christ. Come as you are, leave changed. 

What Did Jesus Say? 

What Did Jesus Say? 

God doesn’t love you just the way you are. God loves you enough to give you a chance. We all face judgment because of the sin we are born in. God loved you enough to send his only Begotten Son to this filthy rotten earth, so you may have a choice, to follow or not, to trust or not, to submit or not, to Jesus’s authority God the Father has given Him. There is only one verse where scripture says God loves the world, John 3:16. What does scripture actually say? Repent. Repent because you are facing judgment. We are born into a world that comes with a choice, and that choice is to accept God, or not. Hell is not full of people who are repented and sorrowful after death, 

Matthew 8:12 But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Meaning the sons of the kingdom (earth) those who follow the prince of the power of the air (Satan) will not find nor see Jesus, but instead will be cast into darkness, and there they will not weep from sorrow, and not cry out in regret, instead will be like Anakin Skywalker burning alive on the side of the lava flow. “I hate you!” he cried out to Obi-Wan. Scripture does not say God loves you the way you are. God loves you and wants a relationship with you, but you have to repent and turn from the world, and embrace his Son Jesus. Only then, are you given a new heart, born a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Scripture doesn’t say we can remain in our sins. Scripture doesn’t say that as long as you’re happy in your sin you can keep it. Or to turn a phrase, “if you like your old sin you can keep it.” Scripture is clear, we are to murder our sin, turn away from our sin with all malice. If it was a sin 2000 years ago, it’s still a sin today. While this notion is not a culturally popular outlook, homosexuality is indeed a sin still today, as it was 2000+ years ago. Abortion is a sin. Steeling is a sin. Rape, murder, incest, are all still sins today. While these are the sins we know of, a recent video I saw said the first sin was the lie from Satan. While that is the first visible sin, I disagree, the first sin is pride. Pride the sin of self, is the sin that leads to the first lie. Pride is what leads Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Pride, the idea that we know more than God, that we can make better decisions than God, that we want what we want, and we will take what we want. In today’s fallen society, upside down society, indeed a mirror of the society found at the end of Judges 21:25 “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” We live in a world full of subjective truth. Objective truth is vilified, and society today tells us to live our best life now. Tells us to live our truth, and do what makes us happy and feel good. 

Jesus doesn’t ever tell us to follow our heart. 

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself also in the Lord,

And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Meaning, when you follow God he changes your heart, and gives you new desires that line up with God. 

Jeremiah 17:9 

“The heart is deceitful above all things,

And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

Of course Jesus doesn’t want us to follow our hearts, Jesus wants us to follow him. As Paul says no one is righteous, no not one, lest any man should boast. All men have fallen short of the Glory of God. 

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

Jesus did not say live your truth, John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Jesus doesn’t say do what makes you happy, instead he said this: 

John 15:10-11 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. 11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

Joy comes from knowing the Lord. People these days are seeking joy and happiness in all the wrong places. People seek happiness in sex, drugs, people, stuff, money, all the things of this world, rather than God. Stuff and people pass away, they get old, the new wears off, and we are left seeking the next thing. True joy must be found in the Lord and only the Lord. 

Jesus never said believe in yourself. Instead he said this John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” 

Again, we see the pride in our life. We see this abundance of pride everywhere in our lives. People elevate self-esteem as the utmost importance but really the important thing to remember is we are dead in our sins. We are wretched sinners, and it’s in that sin we find the truth. We find who we are in Christ, and Christ alone, and it’s there we find that all our works, our best days, our accomplishments are gifts from God, not our own. 

And finally Be true to yourself, instead Jesus says this

Luke 9:23-27

23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? 26 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. 27 But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God.”

We have entered into a scary time in History. A time in which like in times of ancient days, things seem upside down. We know that God sees all things, and knows all things, and is in control of all things. This is the type of time that Paul warns young Timothy about. A time in which men will gather up those who will entertain and tickle their ears. A time in which people will not adhere to sound doctrine. We live in a time where people do and say what they want for they fear not the Lord. We live in a time where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. We live in a time where the peacemakers are the villains and the villains are the heroes. 

We are about to go into an election, and I hear people say, ‘vote your conscience’. I hear people say Jesus would be a republican, or a democrat. If we are to call ourselves Christians, we have to accept scripture as truth. We have to know what it is scripture actually says, so we are not to be lied to, or misdirected. How do we follow Christ if we don’t know what He and His word actually says? How can we vote for a sinful politician that best represents what we believe, if we don’t know what our faith actually says? We are called to pray for our leaders, our governments, and we cannot expect the world to change through any political party or person. The world changes through Christ, or Satan, one or the other. Either we trust Christ and we follow him, and we find leaders who follow Him, or, Satan’s people will be in charge. As God allowed Israel to be given over to their own reprobate mind, so shall God allow the U.S. to do the same. If we are not going to follow Him, a time will come, if it hasn’t already, that the U.S. will fall to its own sinful desires. Things will either get better because God allows it to get better, having people who follow him, or it will get worse because Satan has been given control and people who follow Satan. Make no mistake, you don’t have to be a worshiper of Satan to follow Satan. Anyone who denies Christ the true Christ, are children of Adam, and to be a child of Adam is to be in Darkness, one who is born into Sin, and the Sin nature is that of pride and self. 

We cannot live our lives in a perpetual state of misquoting scripture, taking scripture out of context, and thinking one man or political party is going to save the world. We cannot expect our taxes will save the world. We cannot expect the giving up of rights and freedoms will somehow save the world. We cannot expect those of the world to have the same respect for life and conscience a Christian has. Those who are still ‘plugged in to the Matrix’, are perfectly happy in their ignorance, and of course we know ‘ignorance is bliss.’ (The Matrix) What we can do is share the love of Christ. Show others love in everything we do. Live the life Christ calls us to live and be that Ambassador He expects us to be. We cannot stand on our Christian faith if we ourselves do not know what it says. We cannot expect to hold others accountable if again, we don’t know what the WORD OF GOD SAYS! 

Do not follow your own heart, nor follow your own understanding. Do not seek your own truth, instead seek God’s truth. Seek the heart of God, and know his purpose for us, know his Truth, and follow His word. We may not always like what scripture says, but we are not a Holy and Righteous perfect God. Also, consider this, God is merciful and patient. Thank God for not giving us what we deserve. We often find ourselves upset that God does not give us the desires of our hearts right away, or at all, but often fail to recognize we don’t get what we deserve right away from God either. What we deserve is death, righteous punishment for being enemies of God. We did not deserve Jesus, but instead we received love and mercy. 

We must turn from our wicked sinful ways and repent. We must turn to Jesus and know His words. We must go forward in our lives not keeping one foot in righteousness and one foot in the world. We cannot be of two worlds. Know God, and follow Jesus, or reject Jesus and face the consequences for following Satan. Jesus loves you and He desires a relationship with you, but He will never force you into that relationship. He will not force you to Hell, you will walk through the gates of Hell of your own choices and be consumed by your own Pride. We do not follow Jesus for the benefits. We follow Jesus because He created the world, and this is all His. We follow Him because He is Holy and we are not. We follow Him not for the benefits of health and wealth in this world, but rather that we are servants for a Holy God. We must have the servant heart, and put others before ourselves. For what is it worth to have the whole of the world, but give up your soul in the process? Do not wait till you face the Lord Jesus in the afterlife, for if you wait that long, you have made your choice and will face the consequences of those choices. Choose to follow Jesus now, and know His Love, and warmth, and peace, and find true Joy. 

Ready to Deploy

Ready to Deploy

You are a citizen of Heaven; and we are soldiers on the front lines of the battle for souls. Go forth and make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 

Never waiver in your faith. Be ready to deploy where the Lord sends you. The armor of God does not keep you from harm. The walk of a Christian is one of running into the fire. We face the darkness by sharing the Lords good news. We bring light to the darkness by reflecting dimly the light of God. We offer nothing but to be the hands and feet of God, and the soldiers willing to pay the ultimate price. The problem with America is we are so poor in spirit. We are weak in conviction. We tuck tail when the going gets tough, and we have let darkness rise, like the evil empire in Star Wars. How does democracy die? By thunderous applause. How do we fall for the lie? By sprinkling the lie in with the truth. ‘If you eat of the fruit you will not die.’ Satan tells this to Eve in the garden. You sprinkle poison in a drop at a time to make the victim sick, die slowly. Like a frog being boiled slowly, not a thought to jump out. We have lost our willingness to fight, to stand up. We won’t even stand up for the kids in schools being exposed to the alphabet communities’ pride of their own sins, or the countless books being thrown their way. A school district in California announced they will host a week long set of lessons for “National Coming Out Day.” This set of lessons is for elementary age kids. Why would we be exposing young kids to these kinds of things? This topic is sinful and subjective only to those living in their sin. Yet we allow this to happen. We don’t expose the villainizing of police officers, but exalt the criminals. We feminize men, and we pretend there is no difference between a woman and a man, in fact, we make up stories about there being more than the two sexes. We allow evil corporations and government to dictate right and wrong and ignore scripture. There is a desire to cripple people with fear and poverty, to allow some to seize power and control, for their love of the world. The strength that built this nation has produced an environment for the weak to make hard times. 

We don’t have to leave our towns to face the enemy in the streets. We don’t have to leave our house to face the Devil. He’s infiltrating your homes, jobs, churches, and for far too long we’ve sat idle. We are soldiers. We are citizens of heaven, and yet we shy away from the fight. 

John Bunyan imprisonment for 12 years because he refused to stop preaching Gods word. Bishop Latimer has been recorded saying this, ‘Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.‘ Murdered at the stake by fire, for refusing to accept transubstantiation, the process by which the wine and bread offered during communion becomes the blood and body of Christ. Latimer among other things, supported translating Holy Scripture, the Bible into English. For this he was murdered. He stood up for what was right, and for doing so, he met a martyrs end. 

Going a bit further back Steven in the book of Acts was stoned to death for his belief and evangelism of Christ. There are thousands of martyrs for the faith, and even more that have been persecuted for their faith. And yet we are so comfortable with our lives, our creature comforts of this world, we are afraid to do what is necessary. 

I’m not innocent in this. I myself have not said something because of the impending aftermath. I have not said something because I didn’t want the fight to come to my door. I am guilty of complicity. In the same breath, I have stood up. I have been outspoken. I have stood my ground and watched many friends depart from me, for my faith. I have been on both sides of the difficult fence, but I need more faith. I cannot let fear dictate terms. I cannot allow my fear to stop me from sharing the gospel. We are not promised tomorrow and we are given the mission to share the gospel. We are not told to convert anyone; God will do that. He will tug on the hearts he desires and leave the rest. He knows his chosen; Jeremiah 1:5, and who will reject him. We cannot convince men of anything; the Gospel will do that all on its own. We need to be able to defend our faith, by being knowledgeable of scripture. We cannot go to battle with a dull sword, so we must have scripture in our hearts 2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”. We must focus on our lives also and rid our lives of un-repented sin. We must be strong in our faith, our convictions, and resist the Devil and all the spiritual attacks. 

This may look like all talk, but what does scripture say about this? 

2 Timothy 2:3 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 

Paul goes on to say this: 

4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 

We are citizen soldiers, warriors on the front lines. We are given the full armor of God Ephesians 6, in order for us to be equipped to fight the war. We do not know the elect, but we know we are to share the gospel, and live our lives with honor and distinction for His perfect will. We are, and were chosen before the foundation of the earth. We were predestined to be His; Ephesians 1:4-5 “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,” and no one can snatch us from his hands. 

Soldiers train and we should be prepared to deploy at a moment’s notice. When I was in the Army I trained at Fort Knox, Kentucky. I learned how to do my job and what was expected of me. I learned the rules, and the ways of the Army. I went to Korea and after a short time there, deployment orders came through to go to Iraq. Do we think we know what our future holds? For the first time in over 50 years Korea, a hardship duty deployment would redeploy to a different combat zone. I had never thought my first deployment to Korea would be interrupted to go to a warzone. I chose Korea so I could train more before being in a unit that would deploy to Iraq. But God knows, and God has a plan. God is the commander and chief, along with being sovereign of the universe. Jesus (also God) is the General, which leads the Army into battle. 

When we are called are we willing to go? We are called every day, and most will not heed the call. We are called to share the Gospel wherever we go, and to do so shameless of the Gospel. We are to live The Way, share the Gospel and build the Kingdom. We gather the fish and Jesus sorts them out. I heard Voddie Baucham say this, obedience is a biproduct of the Gospel. I joined the Army because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to serve my nation, fight for a good cause. I don’t like bullies and I have a calling to stand up to them. I feel Satan is a bully. He bullies people, he sow’s dissention, and destroys lives. I have found a calling in myself to fight the good fight. I’ve faced my share of enemies on and off the battlefield. I’ve lost my share of friends for my faith, but pales in comparison to those who’ve given their lives in the pursuit of sharing the Gospel. But in order for me to be a good soldier, as common in the Star Wars Clone Wars series, “Good soldiers follow orders.” We must follow orders, as soldiers in the military do. We cannot sit idly by while the Devil gains ground here in this great country. When I was in Iraq there was a sign posted that said “Complacency Kills” We have become so complacent in this fight, have we sacrificed our nation for it? Have we sacrificed our children’s futures because of our carelessness? We deploy wherever the Lord sends us, or wherever he places us. We all have our fight and place, whether it be a father or mother, a police officer, a school teacher, a janitor, or anything else, we have our fight. Yes, we are to go, but go is anywhere we go, and make disciples anywhere we go. Are we bold in our faith, strong in our convictions, unwavering in our fight? No matter if it’s your home, school, work, or public, we fight the good fight. We don’t need Jesus just in times of trouble, as the popular video said, ‘I need Jesus to go to Walmart’. We need Jesus to lead us in this war, to show us how to fight, and we must train mind, body and soul for this fight. We must hold fast to what the word says, and not wavering to the whims of culture or society. We are citizen soldiers, ambassadors of Heaven, and we owe Him our Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the Lord,

Ruler of all Creation,

And to His kingdom,

For which I shall stand,

One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Just in all His judgments,

Yet rich in mercy and grace.

I will love, serve and sacrifice my desires for His,

For he is the Savior of my soul and author of

All Truth. 

                                                                 By: Dr. M. David Chambers

Do we Trust 

Do we Trust 

Hardships are simply part of this world. Some things we bring upon ourselves. Some things we face are due to other sinful people. And some things are acts of nature allowed by God. When we choose the wrong partner, quit a job for dumb reasons, turn to a substance for comfort, acts of crime or just do something stupid, those things we bring upon ourselves. When your house is burgled, someone spreads rumor or lies about you, these are products of living around sinners. When the person at the grocery store is rude towards you, or your significant other cheats, these things are things from sinful people. Acts of nature are storms, flat tire, water heater going bad, illness, etc. We must understand where hardships come from and why. 

It’s been 7 years since I was broken to the bedrock of my existence. Where I experienced a nuclear bomb exploding, and I watched my life turn from what looked like a good life from the outside, and even appeared that way to myself, to a broken down, foundation cracking, life altering experience. 

I think back to Paul riding to Damascus with orders to bring those of the way to “Justice”. Paul, a man of prestige, wealth, power, notoriety, a zealous man, bringing forth his version of Justice to those who follow “the way”. He was a persecutor of the church. So why then would he become one of them? God has a tendency to uproot our lives and set us on a different path. What I didn’t know at that time in my life 7 years ago, was, what Satan meant for evil, the Lord used for good. 

I have spoken about the specificity of what happened to me before, and debated whether to talk about it again, or not. I was angry, and lost, and couldn’t imagine why a loving God would bring me to the point I was at in my life. Why would he allow the sinful nature of someone else bring me to where I was. Why would he allow me to be hurt like that? The fact is, Sinful people hurt sinful people. We do not live our ‘best life now’, because God saves that for Heaven. We as Christians will face the bumpy road, the road of toil and troubles. Satan often tries to show us the easy, straight path, and in our nature, we want the path of ease, comfort, and peace. Sadly the kind of peace most seek is not the same peace scripture tells us to aspire to live in. We often take what Satan offers to us. We take the first step, we give in to the first temptation, and before we know it, we are neck deep in sinful thoughts, decisions, and despair. 

But God, will often use what we go through to help others. God will often use our past, post salvation, to help others walk the path. Our testimony is a powerful tool for sharing or providing an opening for the Gospel, but feelings do not equate to truth, so be careful not to confuse the two. While my testimony is a very emotional one, I would not want anyone to confuse my emotional testimony as proof the gospel is real. My testimony does not need to prove anything, except what the gospel and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has done for me. The gospel and holy scripture speaks for itself. There is proof in scripture, and evidence can be found in extra biblical sources if one truly seeks to find the truth. We as people often don’t want to know the truth. “The truth…All it did was anger those who preferred lies and confusion and backspinning in the hope of making themselves look better.” (Eli, pg. 288, Thrawn) We see the Pharisees in scripture look at truth in the face, and rejected it. The truth however can be powerful, as the saying goes, ‘no one knowingly dies for a lie.’ 

I would die for my faith if I had too, or at least I say I would. We never truly know what we would do until we are put in that situation. I’ve also heard, and as fitting as today is, ‘terrorists die for the faith they believe in all the time.’ And while yes this is also true, it is what they believe. Consider this however, if the conspiracy theory is actually true, that the apostles made up the Jesus story, why then, would they, who would have beyond a doubt known the truth, give up their lives for a lie? Scripture airs out the dirty laundry of the characters in the book. The highs and lows of every character is put out there for the world to see. The truth has remained the test of time because it is the truth. As I have posted before, women were chosen to be the first eye witnesses of the empty tomb. The men in scripture who’s mistakes were written to show their imperfection, and the contrast, Jesus who became sin so those who believe and look upon Him in faith, may be saved from our sentence of eternal torment in Hell. There were so many eye witnesses to the risen Jesus, the Roman empire could not silence the movement. 

“When the Apostils watched in horror as their Lord was nailed to a cross after being brutally beaten, they were crushed in spirit. They were utterly without hope, but after 3 days the blood debt was paid, the victory lap had been made, and Christ would rise and make himself seen fulfilling the prophesy and destroying deaths hold over the sinner for all eternity.” (Arrow Preacher, ‘Peace’,

In 2018 I wrote and shared a paper about truth. 

Bad things happen all the time, and at the heart of all this is, do we trust God’s plan? As we look at today being the 9/11 anniversary, do we trust in God’s plan? When you hurt, do you trust God’s plan? When someone you care about is take from you, do you trust in God’s plan?

We don’t always get the answers to why, but we do have answers to why in a broad scope. We live in a fallen world, and sin runs abound. We look at the life of Job, Joseph, Jeremiah, Paul, and the martyrs that came after. Why did they suffer for their faith? God had a plan, and all we can do is trust in that plan. 

Trusting in the plan may be one of the hardest things we do, perhaps even harder than accepting God as savior. I have seen so many walk away from the faith when things get hard, or when they lose family members. The hardships will come and keep coming. Hardships as I spoke of recently are sometimes thrust upon us, sometimes we bring these things upon ourselves. Our choices matters and we should live a cautious tale of blaming God for hardships we face. We are not the only ones that face hardships of our own making. The Israelites complained and sinned before a Holy God just days after being freed from the bondage of servitude in Egypt. Their complaints and actions caused the forty-year exodus. An entire generation doomed themselves to live out their days in the desert. 

Numbers 21:4-7

4 Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way. 5 And the people spoke against God and against Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.” 6 So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died.

7 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people.

To this point, the Lord God has taken care of His people, delivering them from Egypt, enemies, hunger, and thirst, yet they complain at the first sign of trouble. But God, sends a sign, 

Numbers 21:8-

8 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.” 9 So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

Do we look upon the cross and have faith? We are told through scripture; we are saved by faith and faith alone. Mirroring Numbers, we look upon the cross and have faith because Jesus had to die for us. We are wretched sinners, who bring most of our troubles upon ourselves, and we must repent of those sins and trust in Jesus. The Father’s will is sovereign and we must trust his plan. I heard this recently, “Why y’all blamin’ God for your problems? Most of y’all’s problems came from not listening to Him to begin with.” (Unknown) 

When we choose not to live in God’s will, we cannot complain when things go badly. When we are out having unprotected sex with anyone we want, why do we blame God for getting pregnant, or sick? When we choose drugs instead of church, why do we blame God for our families falling apart? When we lie, cheat, steal, and live in our sexual immorality, knowing God cannot bless those things, why are we surprised when hardships come to our door? 

Years ago I wrote this “If we are to live our lives on our path, we need to focus on what kind of character in God’s game we want to be. We have our option to how we behave.” (Arrow Preacher, While my understanding of God has changed since the writing of this post, and I have grown, I do still maintain, some things we bring on ourselves because of our actions, and some things are going to come our way no matter what we do. We must understand that troubles build character, and in all things, good and bad we must turn to the Lord. 

Romans 5:3-5

3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

On this anniversary of 9/11, have faith in the Lord. In the midst of troubles, in a sinful, and fallen world, we must turn our face to the Father, and trust no matter what comes our way, we are soldiers on the front lines, and we fight the good fight every day. We must trust in the Father, and know that Jesus is at the right hand of the father moderating for you and I. We must trust that the Holy Spirit is with us daily, and we are never alone in the fight. We must continue to grow in our faith, and in our knowledge of God’s Holy Word. Continue to learn, get off of the milk and onto the meat of scripture. 

Today, the seventh of anniversary that I gave my life to the Lord. I succumbed to my own sin, and having realized I cannot do anything without the Lord with me, I gave my life to Him, and finally listened to the call, God put upon my heart. I began to serve, and continue to serve. Since then, while my life is full of hardships, I have hope. I struggle with money, with food, with my living situation, with my health, and in no way did choosing to follow God, make my life easy. It did not. My problems did not magically disappear. Money did not begin flowing my way. I was not miraculously healed of my major infirmities. Choosing to follow and trust in Jesus does not mean everything will be easy. On the contrary, choosing Jesus is like grabbing a Kevlar, and joining the front lines of the war. Being a soldier on the front line is never easy, but knowing what the cost of not knowing Jesus is, there is no argument to not trust in Jesus. Jesus is “the way the truth and the life, no one gets to the father except through ‘me’.” Put your hope in him as I have. Sometimes life is still hard and full of pain, but through the pain, hope and peace are multiplied to you. It’s never too late to choose Jesus. It’s never too late to see the truth that scripture is real, it is truth, and we are wretched sinners in need of a savior. 



I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken a few moments to look around recently and it appears to me that the world is both literally and figuratively on fire. Places like tropical and beautiful Hawaii burning to the ground. We’ve seen nature disasters like we have not seen in generations, and some are calling for the complete change of how we live our lives. Lets move to electric cars, which have a huge environmental footprint from start to finish. Let me show you an example: How do we get the minerals and materials needed for the batteries for the cars? That’s right, big mining equipment, which has a large footprint, along with the damage to the earth and surrounding areas for places like colbolt mines. Not to mention the human toll for such mines, in places like Africa, where near slave labor is used to mine, the mines. Or how about the electrical grid in California which cannot maintain air conditioners in the summer, but want to put a million EV’s on the grid. Human cost of living, comes at a price, and when we look at the true argument, we know that all we would do is trade one for another, both equally disturbing. The point is, we are told our only hope is to change to EV’s or else we risk the destruction of our world. Here’s another example, plastic bags at the grocery store. Some places have banned those bags, but still have plastic coming out of their ears. When a paper straw comes in a plastic wrapper, or the soda, laundry soap, cookies, milk containers, and I could go on and on, tells me one thing, it isn’t truly the earth they care about. Again, let me explain. While I firmly agree we need to find more sustainable ways to take care of this planet, I would argue that everything has a cost, down to the paper and pencil used to write down your spelling test in the third grade. Between fossil fuel usage, to wood, and plastics, everything has a cost. We live in a dying world. This world has an expiration date, and, while we should do everything we can to mitigate the pollution and destruction of the planet, we need to know that we ultimately have no hope to ‘save’ this world. 

Revelation 6:8 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.

When we look at Revelation, we see the destruction of our world. We see fire, and blood, pestilence, and locusts, death, and torment. We can sit here and blame humans for an awful lot, from environmental problems, which I will admit, we should change, to problems of the heart. Let’s take a moment to look at the heart. Are people generally good people? I suppose you need to look at what that means, what does it mean to be a good person? The first thing you need to do is understand the difference between what a good person looks like must have a comparison. We often look at ourselves and say ‘I’m a good person, I haven’t killed anyone, or cheated anyone.’ This is not an accurate picture of a good person. I will start off by saying there is no good person, or people. Good evaluates upon our own idea of what makes someone good or bad. The republican who believes in the life of an unborn baby, who doesn’t want abortion, is bad in the eyes of someone who supports abortion. Those who wish to have a socialist society, and to get rid of capitalism are bad from those who want capitalism. What side of the fence do you sit on? Let me tell you, truth is not a fluid idea. Truth, is truth, and scripture is the only truth. We cannot sit and judge others based on our own flawed views, instead we must view the world through the eyes of scripture. Jesus is the truth, and as such we must make our own personal choices through that lens, and none other. 

Let us take a look at the current crime situation in this country. Washington DC, which has seen a dramatic rise in crime, as of March 29th, from the office of the US Attorney’s office, nearly 70% of all cases were not prosecuted from the DC office. Let’s take a look at Portland, San Francisco, Austin, Los Angeles, and more. Crime has risen by double digit percentages in the last year alone. We see these things happening and it would seem that many of the larger violent crimes have been committed by those with a rather lengthy rap sheet, and some may question, why were they allowed on the street to begin with. The simple answer is not simple at all, but scripture tells us there will come a time when ‘right is considered wrong, and wrong is considered right.’ And ‘the people of Israel had no judge, and did what was right in their own eyes.’ 

Between the weather, and crime, and the dismal look at politics and those in charge, war in the streets and around the globe, one may ask, or say, what hope do we have? The economy now making living near impossible, as families are going deeper into debt, living paycheck to paycheck, or worse, losing everything, makes people feel hopeless for tomorrow.

Romans 3:21-24 21 “But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,”

When all fall short of the Glory of God, many may look to that and wonder why they try, if no matter what they do, they fall short. The point is why we need a savior, why the life, death, and resurrection of Christ is so important. We cannot do this on our own. 

Romans 3:10-12

10 As it is written:

“There is none righteous, no, not one;

11 There is none who understands;

There is none who seeks after God.

12 They have all turned aside;

They have together become unprofitable;

There is none who does good, no, not one.”

Many look at the world today in surprise. ‘How could we have come to this?’ As for me, I am not surprised. Some people think I am jaded, but I disagree, I feel it’s an understanding of the sin nature, that gives me this perspective. When we look at scripture, and it tells us that no one is righteous, no one is truly good, we cannot look at people as good. Common grace might mean we don’t eat each other, but ultimately, our sin is our nature, meaning, that corrupt, selfish, conceited selves, are our default system. Without God’s grace we are totally depraved. The world in of itself is not going to ‘get better’. The world will continue to burn. The US. Will continue to burn. God does not need to bring forth His judgment to cast judgment. There are two kinds of judgment, one is, direct judgment as seen with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The other is the removal of God’s grace, as seen when Israel is destroyed by Babylon. Sin, left unchecked will destroy a country. In reality, as long as we as a people are sinful, and we continue to freely sin, and support sin, and put sin up on a platform, we can expect the worst. When we do these things, the Lord may give us over to our sins. How can I say this? Simply put, it’s happened before. 

Romans 1:18-32

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

As a nation that once held God as their priority, now after just a few generations, have pushed God aside for many different ideas. Climate change, money, new age, even atheist’s, all have their idols, their own gods, and these things have replaced God in the hearts and minds of people here, and elsewhere in the world. War, false religions, science, protests, the rise in criminality, allowing mental health disorders to make policy, and so many more symptoms will present themselves as God’s grace is pulled away. Has God given us over to our own debased, or reprobate mind? I believe He has. So, what does this mean? There is no hope for those in this country, or in the world, that does not seek God’s face. Those who continue to double down, or triple down on their rejection of God will continue to see things get worse as His judgment continues. Years ago I wrote a post called “When God Puts The Hammer Down”

In this post I wrote “We cannot expect to live our lives without consequence anyway we want to. We have to assume that judgment will come when we get to the point where God doesn’t believe there is a way to save us.” While this was written by a younger man, a man who has now grown a great deal in his faith, so has a greater understanding of God’s word. I still believe God’s judgment will come, but in the manner in which it does, may not be so theatrical. When Sodom fell, God saved Lot. There may be those saved by His hand as we see by some of the other prophets as Israel was taken over by foreign entities. For those who do not seek his face, God may see fit to give you over to your own lusts, and desires, and ideals. We cannot look through the world lens towards scripture, but look at the world through the lens of scripture. When you make a decision is it based on scripture? When you look at your politics, do you do so through the lens of scripture? When you make a decision on politics, on ideals, on life, do you do so through the eyes of scripture? We have an obligation as Christians, to take seriously the things and people we support. We must be considerate of policies, of ideals, of laws, and even how we handle mental health issues within this country. Corinthians 10:31 “31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” We cannot support things like the “pride” flag, and also call ourselves Christians. Scripture is clear on what that represents, and what God thinks of such things. Our sinful creature mindset, is not Holy, is not righteous, and we must refer to God’s word, since His word is the only truth. 

For those who do not see Christ, and do not know Him, and in turn, those whom He does not know, there is no hope for you. The world will continue down a path, and that path ends with the trumpets and seals. It’s never too late for you, till it’s too late. There will come a time when judgment comes and you were given all the time to turn to God. For those who know God, whom Jesus knows you, you have hope. 

John 16:33 33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

We may watch as the world turns, the world burns around us, but our job is clear, continue to show the love of Christ. Continue to stand upon the Word, and spread and share the love of Christ, but also the warning given by Christ. There is judgment to those who actively live in their sins. There is an effect to the cause of those who turn away from God, who spite God, who blaspheme, there is a price to be paid. As one of my favorite Marvel quotes said, “The bill comes due.” (Dr. Strange) For those who follow Christ our sentence is commuted, and for those who don’t, the sentence is Hell. We are all guilty of sin, of cosmic treason against a Holy God. And for all of us, the verdict of guilty is rendered. Scripture tells us there is no excuse for not seeing God. Romans 1:20-21 “20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” The difference is whether you know and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, for the repentant sinner. “General Revelation is the foundation of all condemnation… IF God judges, he judges justly with equity, because man is without excuse.” (John MacArthur) I am not saying the country cannot be saved, but it will need to turn back to God in order for that to happen. I am not saying it’s too late, but current trajectory tells me, we may be in trouble. As far as Christians are concerned the fight isn’t over till it’s over. No matter the fire and brimstone around us, we must stand on the word and continue the “Great Commission”. We must continue to spread the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must also stand on that word, and that means we vote based on the Word, our policies base on the Word, our ideals and beliefs stand upon the Word. What is socially accepted or acceptable is not the word, and just because the world says something is okay, doesn’t make it so. How we view crime, and abortion, race, poverty, immigration, war, world leaders, ideologies, how we vote, religions, etc. All matter. We must know scripture in order to know what God says on any given subject. If we do not know and study scripture, we cannot expect to hold representatives accountable to God’s word. We cannot expect policy to be made in line with Scripture, if we ourselves do not know scripture. We cannot expect citizens of a city to be held at bay by peace officers, when crime is allowed to flourish under the flag of inclusivity, equality, equity, and mental health issues. 

For those who do not know God, there is no hope to be had, but for those who know Christ, know our hope is not of this world, but the one who overcame death, the one who paid the price for us, Jesus Christ, our hope is in Heaven, a life after this life. How we proceed matters, and how we view the world through scripture matters. IF we remain in our sins, we have no excuse on the day of judgment. For those who turn their backs on God, or who never faced Him to begin with, for them, the sentence is written. It isn’t too late to turn to God, repent of sins, and know that John 14:6 “ Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 

As for Christians, keep fighting the good fight. Run with endurance, and take heart, Heaven awaits you. Keep sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with the world. Do so in lovingkindness. Do not be conformed to the world, but resist with the Armor of God. Live a life to show yourself apart from the world, and bare good fruit for Christ. Where you shop, where you frequent, who you spend your time with, what you do in your free time, who you vote for, all matters. Do not alter scripture to fit your narrative, instead let Scripture create your narrative. Pray for your representatives that they find Christ, even when they may act as an enemy combatant. Remember the opinion of a Christian doesn’t matter in the realm of scripture. God’s word is the ultimate authority, so treat it as such. Do not put your hope in people, for they will sin their way to disappointment. Hope for the best concerning people, but expect the sin nature. This means always be in prayer for people you interact with. Be in prayer for those making decisions on a larger scale that affects others, city leaders, large business owners, school teachers, even the politicians. Find comfort knowing that God the Abba Father is sitting on the throne, in charge over all, and if he knows your name, and you know his, that your future is one not of gnashing of teeth in eternal torment, but a glorious mansion in Heaven where you will worship the Father for all eternity. Find comfort in the hope and good news of Jesus Christ.